Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

cara lock folder pada windows 7 tanpa software tambahan

Diposting oleh sella novy anggraini di 00.45 0 komentar
Ini diaaaa trik bagi para pengguna Windows 7. Mungkin kalian sering juga menyembunyikan suatu file atau folder dalam komputer agar tidak diketahui oleh orang lain karena sifatnya yang pribadi. Yang namanya komputer kan suatu saat bukan cuma kita aja yang make, pasti kadang keluarga juga ikut make bahkan teman pun juga sering buka2 komputer kita.

Nah, jika di dalam komputer kita ada file atau data2 yang sifatnya pribadi, seharusnya ga boleh diketahui oleh orang lain kan, makanya harus disembunyikan. Caranya gimana? Mungkin ada beberapa cara sih, bisa dengan cara dihidden, dengan memeberikan attribute hidden pada file, sehingga file itu ga bisa terlihat. Kalo cara ini sih ada kelemahannya, jika folder option dibuat show hidden file (pasti dah pada tau lah), maka file yang kita sembunyikan akan terlihat lagi.

Mungkin cara lain adalah menggunakan aplikasi tambahan, semisal folder lock, atau aplikasi sejenisnya. Bisa sih, tapi harus download dulu, dan biasanya aplikasi seperti itu adalah berbayar. Agak repot kan.

Padahal sebenarnya pada Windows 7 udah ada fasilitas untuk mengunci / lock file atau folder, jadi kita ga perlu repot mencari aplikasi lain untuk cara itu. Aku baru nyoba untuk Windows 7 sih, untuk Windows XP atau Vista belum aku coba, ga tau bisa apa ga, yang jelas untuk Windows 7 dah terbukti.

Ga usah basa basi lah, langsung aja caranya untuk lock folder pada Windows 7 :

1. Pada Windows Explore, terserah mau di C apa di D, buat folder baru, beri nama folder itu terserah kalian, misalkan aja folder Belajar

2. Buka folder dan tambahkan di dalamnya sebuah text document, caranya klik kanan di dalam folder, pilih new, pilih text document

3. Kopi kode di bawah ini ke dalam text document tadi

Quote: cls
title Folder Private
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER
echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Private "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Private
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Private
echo Private created successfully
goto End

4. Setelah dikopi kode tersebut. lihat pada kata password here (yang berwarna biru), ganti kata tersebut dengan sebuah password terserah kalian, misal 1234, jadinya

if NOT %pass%== 1234 goto FAIL

5. Beri nama text document itu dengan nama locker.bat. Caranya, pada text document pilih file, pilih save as, untuk file name diisi = locker.bat dan untuk save as type diganti all files, klik save.

6. Sekarang kembali ke folder Thekrim, di dalamnya akan dijumpai 2 file, text dokumen dan locker dengan tipe batch file. Klik dua kali pada file locker maka akan muncul folder baru bernama private.

7. Sekarang tinggal masukkan semua file2 pribadi yang ingin disembunyikan ke dalam folder private tadi.

8. Untuk mengunci sekaligus menyembunyikan folder private (yang berisi file pribadi tadi), tinggal double klik aja file locker, ini akan membuka sebuah perintah untuk mengunci (lock folder) atau tidak. Y/N?

9. Ketik Y (pada keyboard) kemudian enter, maka folder private akan menghilang

10. Jika kalian ingin memunculkan kembali folder private tadi, tinggal double klik aja pada file locker, kemudian masukkan password yang telah kalian buat tadi dan enter, folder private akan muncul dan dapat diakses lagi.

Nah, begitulah caranya mengunci (lock) folder pada Windows 7.

Mudah bukan ??? SELAMAT MENCOBA

Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

cara menginstall ubuntu 10.40

Diposting oleh sella novy anggraini di 02.20 0 komentar


Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Before I start my simple speech, for the first time, thanks for god who gives a good condition, so that I can attend here to deliver my simple speech in front of all of you… and I also thanks to my teacher who support me.

For jacking up the use of English and also for bringing our nation one step ahead, how about making English as our second language?

          Interested in studying for language can help widen our thinking concepts. In IT area, this case is more apparent because English is used as the escort language by Operating System, Websites, Gadgets and Hardware.

Nowadays with presence of internet, the geographical nearness is being not relevance

          In fact, the majority of Indonesian people is bilingual already.   Indonesian isn’t the greatest quantity for studied as the foreign language but the traditional is the greatest one. Native pronouncers of Indonesian are only about 20 millions from all. It’s a pity, although bilingual but the studied language isn’t precise in the meaning of giving the maximal benefit.

          But in the IT area, English constitutes and possibility will be constantly as the most dominant language. First, mandarin as the rival possesses several obstacles to replacing English: too difficult/takes long times for many persons and harder assimilating the other languages because the letters of alphabet system isn’t phonetics. So that the computers documentations in China/Taiwan are written by English. If not, programmers will be confused with so many technical terms. The next economy force behind China is India, they are already using English. That makes them become one of many options in IT rivalry.

          In IT industry, with presence of internet, the geographical nearness is being not relevance. Contacting with far nations isn’t harder than with the near country. Lingua franca is more useful compared with one cluster language. In the present days, there aren’t choices except English. Researches indicating: more than 50% WebPages is written in English. And maybe 99% of programming languages are using English as the basis.

Perhaps the way to making up one step forward is turning this policy around. If we have a role as the government, I think I will submit English as our second language. Basic education obligatory including English to the curriculum. All of the documents and formal communication will be written in English and Indonesian. Signpost also must be written in 2 languages too. But when I imagine about it, I’m shudder, a lot of alterations possibility will be made as field and corruption opportunity.

          The core of my speech is “English is so useful in this globalization era and on IT industry”.

Well ladies and gentlemen, I think it’s enough for my simple speech and thanks for paying attention on me ..

Good morning Ladies and gentlemen !!!

Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

isi hatiku

Diposting oleh sella novy anggraini di 02.40 0 komentar
aku tau kau mencintaiku...
aku juga tau kau menyanyangiku..
walaupun kau tau cintaku padamu lebih sedikit dibandingkan cintamu padaku..
jangan takut sayang aku tetap disini disamping mu selamanya..

makasih sayang, udah mencintaiku dengan sepenuh hatimu.
pengorbanan mu tak'kan pernah aku lupakan..
kau begitu indah dimataku..

walaupun aku slalu buat kamu marah....
tapii marah kamu yang buat aku tambah cinta  sebenarnya sayang  :))

kau yang slalu buat aku jadi lebih dewasa.
kau yang slalu menyadariku sampai aku sadar apa yang ku lakukan.
makaaasiii sayang ^__^

hanya dirimu yang ada dihatiku.
sampai kapan pun kau tetap dihatiku

cinta kamu.. !
sayang kamu..!
peduli kamu..!
perhatian kamu...!
pengorbanan kamu..!

[ 11 agustus 2007 ]

pidato bahasa inggris

Diposting oleh sella novy anggraini di 02.32 0 komentar


Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Before I start my simple speech, for the first time, thanks for god who gives a good condition, so that I can attend here to deliver my simple speech in front of all of you… and I also thanks to my teacher who support me.

For jacking up the use of English and also for bringing our nation one step ahead, how about making English as our second language?

            Interested in studying for language can help widen our thinking concepts. In IT area, this case is more apparent because English is used as the escort language by Operating System, Websites, Gadgets and Hardware.

Nowadays with presence of internet, the geographical nearness is being not relevance

            In fact, the majority of Indonesian people is bilingual already.  Bahasa Indonesia isn’t the greatest quantity for studied as the foreign language but the traditional is the greatest one. Native pronouncers of Bahasa Indonesia are only about 20 millions from all. It’s a pity, although bilingual but the studied language isn’t precise in the meaning of giving the maximal benefit.

            But in the IT area, English constitutes and possibility will be constantly as the most dominant language. First, mandarin as the rival possesses several obstacles to replacing English: too difficult/takes long times for many persons and harder assimilating the other languages because the letters of alphabet system isn’t phonetics. So that the computers documentations in China/Taiwan are written by English. If not, programmers will be confused with so many technical terms. The next economy force behind China is India, they are already using English. That makes them become one of many options in IT rivalry.

            Second, have difference with expert commerce that usually connected by the geographical nearness, nations customarily doing exports and imports to the neighbors’ country. In IT industry, with presence of internet, the geographical nearness is being not relevance. Contacting with far nations isn’t harder than with the near country. Lingua franca is more useful compared with one cluster language. In the present days, there aren’t choices except English. Researches indicating: more than 50% WebPages is written in English. And maybe 99% of programming languages are using English as the basis.

            It’s like a nature law, retarded countries by and large will be more retarded because of wrong various policy (because the policymakers is retarded too). For example, for many years ago our government forbid the using of foreign languages with the reason that we must be rightfully proud in our own culture. One of you maybe still remember that how very so many expensive trade-mark were must be changed from “ABC BANK” become “Bank ABC” because had to Indonesianization.

            Perhaps the way to making up one step forward is turning this policy around. If we have a role as the government, I think I will submit English as our second language. Basic education obligatory including English to the curriculum. All of the documents and formal communication will be written in English and Indonesian. Signpost also must be written in 2 languages too. But when I imagine about it, I’m shudder, a lot of alterations possibility will be made as field and corruption opportunity.

            The core of my speech is “English is so useful in this globalization era and on IT industry”.

Well ladies and gentlemen, I think it’s enough for mgh for my simple speech and thanks for paying attention on me ..

Good morning Ladies and gentlemen !!!

Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

membuat brownis

Diposting oleh sella novy anggraini di 03.00 0 komentar
bahan-Bahan :

175 gram dark cooking chocolate, dipotong-potong
100 gram margarin
3 butir telur
250 gram gula pasir
1/4 sendok teh garam
200 gram tepung terigu
20 gram cokelat bubuk
1/4 sendok teh baking powder

Cara Mengolah :

1. Tim dark cooking chocolate dan margarin, sisihkan.
2. Kocok telur dan gula hingga kental.
3. Masukkan tepung terigu, cokelat, dan baking powder sambil diayak dan diaduk rata.
4. Tuang adonan ke dalam loyang brownies 11 x 22 cm yang dioles margarin dan dialas kertas roti.
5. Oven selama 1 jam dengan suhu 160 derajat Celsius.

0 komentar

cara lock folder pada windows 7 tanpa software tambahan

Ini diaaaa trik bagi para pengguna Windows 7. Mungkin kalian sering juga menyembunyikan suatu file atau folder dalam komputer agar tidak diketahui oleh orang lain karena sifatnya yang pribadi. Yang namanya komputer kan suatu saat bukan cuma kita aja yang make, pasti kadang keluarga juga ikut make bahkan teman pun juga sering buka2 komputer kita.

Nah, jika di dalam komputer kita ada file atau data2 yang sifatnya pribadi, seharusnya ga boleh diketahui oleh orang lain kan, makanya harus disembunyikan. Caranya gimana? Mungkin ada beberapa cara sih, bisa dengan cara dihidden, dengan memeberikan attribute hidden pada file, sehingga file itu ga bisa terlihat. Kalo cara ini sih ada kelemahannya, jika folder option dibuat show hidden file (pasti dah pada tau lah), maka file yang kita sembunyikan akan terlihat lagi.

Mungkin cara lain adalah menggunakan aplikasi tambahan, semisal folder lock, atau aplikasi sejenisnya. Bisa sih, tapi harus download dulu, dan biasanya aplikasi seperti itu adalah berbayar. Agak repot kan.

Padahal sebenarnya pada Windows 7 udah ada fasilitas untuk mengunci / lock file atau folder, jadi kita ga perlu repot mencari aplikasi lain untuk cara itu. Aku baru nyoba untuk Windows 7 sih, untuk Windows XP atau Vista belum aku coba, ga tau bisa apa ga, yang jelas untuk Windows 7 dah terbukti.

Ga usah basa basi lah, langsung aja caranya untuk lock folder pada Windows 7 :

1. Pada Windows Explore, terserah mau di C apa di D, buat folder baru, beri nama folder itu terserah kalian, misalkan aja folder Belajar

2. Buka folder dan tambahkan di dalamnya sebuah text document, caranya klik kanan di dalam folder, pilih new, pilih text document

3. Kopi kode di bawah ini ke dalam text document tadi

Quote: cls
title Folder Private
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER
echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Private "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Private
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Private
echo Private created successfully
goto End

4. Setelah dikopi kode tersebut. lihat pada kata password here (yang berwarna biru), ganti kata tersebut dengan sebuah password terserah kalian, misal 1234, jadinya

if NOT %pass%== 1234 goto FAIL

5. Beri nama text document itu dengan nama locker.bat. Caranya, pada text document pilih file, pilih save as, untuk file name diisi = locker.bat dan untuk save as type diganti all files, klik save.

6. Sekarang kembali ke folder Thekrim, di dalamnya akan dijumpai 2 file, text dokumen dan locker dengan tipe batch file. Klik dua kali pada file locker maka akan muncul folder baru bernama private.

7. Sekarang tinggal masukkan semua file2 pribadi yang ingin disembunyikan ke dalam folder private tadi.

8. Untuk mengunci sekaligus menyembunyikan folder private (yang berisi file pribadi tadi), tinggal double klik aja file locker, ini akan membuka sebuah perintah untuk mengunci (lock folder) atau tidak. Y/N?

9. Ketik Y (pada keyboard) kemudian enter, maka folder private akan menghilang

10. Jika kalian ingin memunculkan kembali folder private tadi, tinggal double klik aja pada file locker, kemudian masukkan password yang telah kalian buat tadi dan enter, folder private akan muncul dan dapat diakses lagi.

Nah, begitulah caranya mengunci (lock) folder pada Windows 7.

Mudah bukan ??? SELAMAT MENCOBA

0 komentar

cara menginstall ubuntu 10.40


Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Before I start my simple speech, for the first time, thanks for god who gives a good condition, so that I can attend here to deliver my simple speech in front of all of you… and I also thanks to my teacher who support me.

For jacking up the use of English and also for bringing our nation one step ahead, how about making English as our second language?

          Interested in studying for language can help widen our thinking concepts. In IT area, this case is more apparent because English is used as the escort language by Operating System, Websites, Gadgets and Hardware.

Nowadays with presence of internet, the geographical nearness is being not relevance

          In fact, the majority of Indonesian people is bilingual already.   Indonesian isn’t the greatest quantity for studied as the foreign language but the traditional is the greatest one. Native pronouncers of Indonesian are only about 20 millions from all. It’s a pity, although bilingual but the studied language isn’t precise in the meaning of giving the maximal benefit.

          But in the IT area, English constitutes and possibility will be constantly as the most dominant language. First, mandarin as the rival possesses several obstacles to replacing English: too difficult/takes long times for many persons and harder assimilating the other languages because the letters of alphabet system isn’t phonetics. So that the computers documentations in China/Taiwan are written by English. If not, programmers will be confused with so many technical terms. The next economy force behind China is India, they are already using English. That makes them become one of many options in IT rivalry.

          In IT industry, with presence of internet, the geographical nearness is being not relevance. Contacting with far nations isn’t harder than with the near country. Lingua franca is more useful compared with one cluster language. In the present days, there aren’t choices except English. Researches indicating: more than 50% WebPages is written in English. And maybe 99% of programming languages are using English as the basis.

Perhaps the way to making up one step forward is turning this policy around. If we have a role as the government, I think I will submit English as our second language. Basic education obligatory including English to the curriculum. All of the documents and formal communication will be written in English and Indonesian. Signpost also must be written in 2 languages too. But when I imagine about it, I’m shudder, a lot of alterations possibility will be made as field and corruption opportunity.

          The core of my speech is “English is so useful in this globalization era and on IT industry”.

Well ladies and gentlemen, I think it’s enough for my simple speech and thanks for paying attention on me ..

Good morning Ladies and gentlemen !!!

0 komentar

isi hatiku

aku tau kau mencintaiku...
aku juga tau kau menyanyangiku..
walaupun kau tau cintaku padamu lebih sedikit dibandingkan cintamu padaku..
jangan takut sayang aku tetap disini disamping mu selamanya..

makasih sayang, udah mencintaiku dengan sepenuh hatimu.
pengorbanan mu tak'kan pernah aku lupakan..
kau begitu indah dimataku..

walaupun aku slalu buat kamu marah....
tapii marah kamu yang buat aku tambah cinta  sebenarnya sayang  :))

kau yang slalu buat aku jadi lebih dewasa.
kau yang slalu menyadariku sampai aku sadar apa yang ku lakukan.
makaaasiii sayang ^__^

hanya dirimu yang ada dihatiku.
sampai kapan pun kau tetap dihatiku

cinta kamu.. !
sayang kamu..!
peduli kamu..!
perhatian kamu...!
pengorbanan kamu..!

[ 11 agustus 2007 ]

0 komentar

pidato bahasa inggris


Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Before I start my simple speech, for the first time, thanks for god who gives a good condition, so that I can attend here to deliver my simple speech in front of all of you… and I also thanks to my teacher who support me.

For jacking up the use of English and also for bringing our nation one step ahead, how about making English as our second language?

            Interested in studying for language can help widen our thinking concepts. In IT area, this case is more apparent because English is used as the escort language by Operating System, Websites, Gadgets and Hardware.

Nowadays with presence of internet, the geographical nearness is being not relevance

            In fact, the majority of Indonesian people is bilingual already.  Bahasa Indonesia isn’t the greatest quantity for studied as the foreign language but the traditional is the greatest one. Native pronouncers of Bahasa Indonesia are only about 20 millions from all. It’s a pity, although bilingual but the studied language isn’t precise in the meaning of giving the maximal benefit.

            But in the IT area, English constitutes and possibility will be constantly as the most dominant language. First, mandarin as the rival possesses several obstacles to replacing English: too difficult/takes long times for many persons and harder assimilating the other languages because the letters of alphabet system isn’t phonetics. So that the computers documentations in China/Taiwan are written by English. If not, programmers will be confused with so many technical terms. The next economy force behind China is India, they are already using English. That makes them become one of many options in IT rivalry.

            Second, have difference with expert commerce that usually connected by the geographical nearness, nations customarily doing exports and imports to the neighbors’ country. In IT industry, with presence of internet, the geographical nearness is being not relevance. Contacting with far nations isn’t harder than with the near country. Lingua franca is more useful compared with one cluster language. In the present days, there aren’t choices except English. Researches indicating: more than 50% WebPages is written in English. And maybe 99% of programming languages are using English as the basis.

            It’s like a nature law, retarded countries by and large will be more retarded because of wrong various policy (because the policymakers is retarded too). For example, for many years ago our government forbid the using of foreign languages with the reason that we must be rightfully proud in our own culture. One of you maybe still remember that how very so many expensive trade-mark were must be changed from “ABC BANK” become “Bank ABC” because had to Indonesianization.

            Perhaps the way to making up one step forward is turning this policy around. If we have a role as the government, I think I will submit English as our second language. Basic education obligatory including English to the curriculum. All of the documents and formal communication will be written in English and Indonesian. Signpost also must be written in 2 languages too. But when I imagine about it, I’m shudder, a lot of alterations possibility will be made as field and corruption opportunity.

            The core of my speech is “English is so useful in this globalization era and on IT industry”.

Well ladies and gentlemen, I think it’s enough for mgh for my simple speech and thanks for paying attention on me ..

Good morning Ladies and gentlemen !!!

0 komentar

membuat brownis

bahan-Bahan :

175 gram dark cooking chocolate, dipotong-potong
100 gram margarin
3 butir telur
250 gram gula pasir
1/4 sendok teh garam
200 gram tepung terigu
20 gram cokelat bubuk
1/4 sendok teh baking powder

Cara Mengolah :

1. Tim dark cooking chocolate dan margarin, sisihkan.
2. Kocok telur dan gula hingga kental.
3. Masukkan tepung terigu, cokelat, dan baking powder sambil diayak dan diaduk rata.
4. Tuang adonan ke dalam loyang brownies 11 x 22 cm yang dioles margarin dan dialas kertas roti.
5. Oven selama 1 jam dengan suhu 160 derajat Celsius.


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